BN Elders Wiki

This is a guide on how to look into the game files of BattleNations. This is fairly easy to do on mac, but the same process can be done on a jailbroken Idevice with Ifile (an app that let's you look in the programs installed on your Iphone).

the files can be found here; 

  1. Find BattleNations in Finder
  2. Right-click BattleNations and click "show package contents"
  3. Go to "resources" this is where all the GUI files are found
  4. In resources, find a folder called "bundle". This is where all the good stuff is. unit pictures can be found here even before they are implemented so check regularly. 

Other game data like stats are stored in several large JSON files. The structure is described briefly here.


User-visible text in several different languages is stored in files named BattleNations_*.json. When Z2 makes an incremental update to the game, they often put new text in Delta_*.json to reduce the size of the download.


Statistics for combat units are stored in BattleUnits.json. Some of the interesting fields of the unit object are as follows.

Field Description
blocking 0=None, 1=Partial, 2=Blocking
buildingLevel Building level required. Check buildings to see which one trains this unit.
buildTime Training time in seconds
cost Cost to train unit
healCost Cost to heal unit
healTime Healing time in seconds
icon Unit image file name, usually without .png extension
name Key used to look up unit name from BattleNations_en.json
prereq Prerequisites such as player level, buildings, and missions; see below
shortName Key used to look up shortened unit name
side Player, Hostile, Neutral, Hero, Villain, etc.
stats Array of unit ranks; see below
statusEffectImmunities Cold, Stun, etc.
tags Array of unit tags like Soldier, Vehicle, etc.
weapons Unit weapons information; see below


The stats array contains statistics that change as the unit gains ranks. Useful fields are:

Field Description
abilitySlots Number of ability slots available to equip attacks
accuracy Added to the Template:Offense of each attack
armorDamageMods Damage mods while the unit has armor remaining Template:Crushing Template:Explosive Template:Fire Template:Piercing
armorHP Template:Armor Armor
bravery Template:Bravery Ability to resist suppression
critical Template:CriticalBonusIcon Bonus to the critical hit chance of each attack
damageMods Damage modifiers for each damage type Template:Crushing Template:Explosive Template:Fire Template:Piercing
defense Template:DefenseIcon Ability to avoid damage
dodge Template:DodgeIcon Chance to dodge attacks
hp Template:HP Hit points
levelCutoff Template:SP Skill points for unit to gain the next rank
levelUpCost Cost to train the next rank
levelUpTime Time to train the next rank, in seconds
minDropLevel Prerank unit if player's level is this high
power Adds to the damage of each attack
prereqsForLevel Prerequisites for gaining this rank (just player level so far)
pv PVP value
rewards Rewards for defeating this unit


Unit attacks are somewhat complicated. Each unit has a list of weapons, and each weapon has a list of abilities. Ability statistics are stored in a separate file, BattleAbilities.json. Unit rank, weapon, and ability statistics are combined to produce the attack stats, as follows:

 mindmg = (floor(weapon.base_damage_min * ability.damageFromWeapon)
        + ability.damage) * (1 + (rank.power * ability.damageFromUnit * 0.02))
 maxdmg = (floor(weapon.base_damage_max * ability.damageFromWeapon)
        + ability.damage) * (1 + (rank.power * ability.damageFromUnit * 0.02))
 crit = (weapon.base_critPercent * ability.critFromWeapon)
      + ability.criticalHitPercent + (rank.critical * ability.critFromUnit)
      + ability.criticalBonuses[target_type]
 offense = (weapon.base_ATK * ability.attackFromWeapon) + ability.attack
         + (rank.accuracy * ability.attackFromUnit)

Fractions are rounded down. A crit value of 5% is considered "normal"; the game does not display crit in the unit attack window if it is equal to 5%.

Other useful fields in the weapon object are:

Field Description
ammo Ammunition available before reload
name Key used to look up weapon name
reloadTime Number of turns to reload

All abilities on a weapon share the same ammo pool.

Other useful fields in the ability object are:

Field Description
abilityCooldown Number of turns before this attack can be reused
ammoRequired Ammo used per attack
armorPiercingPercent Armor piercing
attackDirection front or back
attacksPerUse Number of attacks; see also shotsPerAttack
chargeTime Prep time
damageType Array of damage types
globalCooldown Turns before this weapon can be used again
icon Attack icon file name
lineOfFire 0=Contact, 1=Direct, 2=Precise, 3=Indirect
maxRange Maximum range
maxRangeModATK Penalty to Template:Offense when target is at maximum range
minHPPercent Target's Template:HP won't be lowered below this percentage
minRange Minimum range
name Key used to look up ability name
reqs Prereqs and costs to research this attack
shotsPerAttack Number of shots; see also attacksPerUse
statusEffects Effects like Template:PoisonDOT encoded as {"dot_poison_4_turn":90.0}
targets Air, Ground, etc.


There are often various requirements that must be met before a unit can be trained. These are stored in a list of prereq objects, each of which as a type _t and other data. Here are some of the possible types.

Type Description
LevelPrereqConfig Minimum player level needed. This is not always accurate, if other prereqs are present.
CompleteMissionPrereqConfig Must complete missionId.
HasCompositionPrereqConfig Must have the building with ID compositionName.
UnitLevelPrereqConfig unitType must have rank level (used for new attacks).
ActiveTagPrereqConfig A limited-time offer or event defined by the game server.


Building information is in Compositions.json. Each building has a set of componentConfigs, many of which are optional.

The StructureMenu block contains the building's name, icon, prereq, and cost to build. Construction contains the buildTime.

Building size on the map is described by the Placeable block, which gives the building's width and height, and tells whether it isMoveable.

Sellable contains the sell price.


Houses make a contribution to the player's PopulationCapacity.

Many buildings RequireWorkers. The number needed while the building is in operation is workers. Some buildings canToggle on and off. They need minWorkers for upkeep while they are turned off.


Assistance gives the rewards for assisting another player's building. There is an interactionLimit to how many times a given building can be assisted per day.

BattleReward gives the reward for raiding the building. The occupy reward is 3.8 times the raid reward, rounded up.


Some buildings can be upgraded. They have a BuildingUpgrade block which contains a list of levels. Each level has an upgradeCost and upgradeTime. There are several other fields in this block that influence the operation of the building, as explained below.


The Taxes block describes buildings that automatically produce output on a certain schedule, such as houses, orchards, and the Supply Drop. It contains a paymentInterval, which gives the time in minutes (unlike most other times in the game files). The production output is given by rewards.

Houses can be upgraded to increase the revenue generated. The Template:Gold produced is multiplied by the output percentage from the BuildingUpgrade section, and Template:XP is multiplied by XPoutput.

ResourceProducer buildings such as the Stone Quarry and Iron Mine generate output constantly, without the need for user interaction. The resource is identified by outputType, and it is produced at the given outputRate per hour, multiplied by the output percentage from BuildingUpgrade.

JobList contains a list of jobs that can be made by shops, farms, ranches, and mills. This includes both regular goods and quest-related items. There is also a demandCategory for most buildings except for mills. Only the job identifiers are stored in Buildings.json; the full information is in JobInfo.json. The cost is multiplied by the input percentage from BuildingUpgrade, and the rewards are multiplied by output. The buildTime is in seconds, as usual.


Hospitals and repair bays contain a Healing block, which contains the messages displayed by certain actions.

The BuildingUpgrade section has a number of important fields for healing buildings. The maximumHealingQueueSize tells how many units can be waiting for treatment (not counting the one currently being healed). Costs are multiplied by the input percentage, and time required is multiplied by time.


ProjectList contains a list of units that the building can train. The level of the building required to train a unit is found in that unit's buildingLevel field, and the player level is in the prereq structure. Some units have a visibilityPrereq, and won't show up in the in-game build list until a certain condition is met (such as an active promotional offer).


DefenseStructure has information about structures that can participate in battles, including their radius and repairTime. The combat statistics are in the BattleUnits.json file, identified by unitId.

Garrison buildings have a radius and unitCount.

Bonus Decor[]

Some decorations give a bonus to nearby buildings. The RadialMod block gives the stats that are affected and the radius of the buff. The tags field gives a list of building types that receive the bonus.

There is usually a limit to the number of bonuses a building can receive. The maxModStack tells the maximum number of decors of exactly the same type that can affect a single building (only 3 Moats can stack modifiers, for example). In other cases, several different decorations may be in the same modCategory. For example, a Farm can't get bonuses from both a Water Tower and Concrete Reservoir, because they are both in the Irrigation category. Bonus categories are defined in RadialMod.json.

Buildings that can be buffed have a RadialModBuffable block that tells which tags they repond to.
